Reeds should be OK if only slight leakage on -ve pressure test. Especially if the decent state of the reeds is backed up by the fact that the airbox isnt completely blathered in petroil every time you strip it. A small amount of "spit back" is Ok, but more is going to mess up the pick up of the engine. A couple of other points to think about - Sorry if all irrelevant - I don't know your depth of Rotax experience or all the background of the problem - 1. Is your driver flooring the throttle when trying to set off? That will kill it totally 2. Is the low to mid carburation about right (different on every engine but involves getting idle screw, float height, needle height and type right) 3. Good condition plug with correct gap? 4. Dont let it idle before taking off up the road (warm engine on track hand over rad, not by starting it on the dummy grid) 5. Is the engine well up on hours and a bit soft(Low compression will make pick up bad) 6. Is your clutch biting really early? (Old spec weak springs or tight pivots, new spec spread casting) 7. Super tight chain?
Was it always like this or has it got worse recently? HTH Jon