I do so hate these types of posts, I feel compelled to reply as I hate seeing people's reputations being attacked in public without any facts...
So, lets get something straight here...
You competed for many many years with one particular team, in 100's of races over the years, and you were never excluded or even suspected of cheating?
Correct yes?
Then you leave to join another team, and within a handful of races, you get excluded?!
You must think the Karting Community is EXTREMELY naive if you think that people will believe that you or your new team/spanner man have not stripped/reset/changed the power valve in the last few races and who knows how many days testing since leaving your previous team!
It is incredibly pathetic to bring another teams reputation into disrepute to try and cover your own or your new team/spanner man's ar5e for your own f#ck up.
The sole responsibility for your exclusion lies upon yourself, and on your new team/spanner man's shoulders.
Please, try and learn a lesson from this incident for next time.
Take it like a man instead of trying to blame others.
If you live by the sword, you need to learn to die by the sword.
I really hope you don't take what I've had to say too much to heart, but the truth really does hurt sometimes. I also hope this exclusion does not put you off competing in the future, it isn't the end of the world, it happens to the best.