Answer this - why do you think more cadets go to KF3 and rotax???? They are 10 11 years old thats what they think. And i didn't just say looks a said an engine that can be switched on and decent tyres. What clubs do you race at? And at the british championship they all have new tyres so its pretty hard for a non talented driver to have an edge because of their wallet, same with club level depending on how many drivers by new slicks. Plus who said they wouldnt work after a meeting? Chirs Kasch said he drove a rotax for 2 years and thought it was rubbish...and...whats that got to do with a TKM 2 stoke on red slicks, have u ever seen one on red and what you on about laziness TKm is the only kart where you have to calling everyover class lazy..haha get with it son.