If you don't clean and spray your kart after a wet session with WD40 or similar, the tin worm will attack the steely bits of your kartie.
Remove the coil connections, this includes the crank position sensor and spray both ends with Wd40.
Check to see if the square orange seal is present in the white coil connector as it is very easy to lose it when it gets stuck in the coil if it's damp and the falls out when it quickly dries once the connector is removed.
I find quite a few in the pits so there must be lots of coils that haven't got their sealing rings.
Without it you get a bad connection between the plug and coil connector.
Also spray it down the plug cap and where the HT lead enters the coil.
The Ht lead is a part that can be replaced and screws on to a tail in the coil body.
The tail is steel and although it is plated, lying in water will cause it to corrode, especially if the protective boot is missing or perished and at best you will end up with a high resistace connection and at worst it will corrode away and you will be looking at a new coil.
Spray the switch and battery terminal areas too and although WD40 attracts dirt, it is better to have to do a bit of cleaning rather that looking for replacement bits on the day they go tits up.
Don't forget the starter motor terminal as it is the lowest connection and gets bombarded with gunge on a wet day.