So - follow that one to its illogical conclusion. My two sons run with SYKC, LKRC and occasionally TVKC. If the first club goes with Mojo, the second with Chen Shin and the last with Hwa Fong, or whatever, we will need to buy, store, look after and learn to drive on and set up for more tyres than the Parson preached about. I hope we can, in this case, leave it to JAG to make the sensible decision (which wag said "for once"!)and go to Mojo, which is Rotax's own tyre brand anyway, giving Europe wide equality. Doesn't matter which grade so long as everyone is on the same and the batch variability is negligible. If they can make them as hard as Nylon too please that would be perfect - long life, good for the environment and the pocket, slows the juniors down, and lets driving skill come to the top.