You will be able to xchange restrictors for �5 after the NKRA final race at GYG as Ron will be bringing restrictors with him,after then it will be �20 a pop,so if you are not racing for 2 weeks get them off now and save �15.
The MSA's John Ryan is away until tomorrow,but as he is in TECHNICAL there are others there,It has been suggested to vent your spleen in that direction as this has been introduced during the season on SAFETY Grounds. All this IS due allegedly to a race report from an official at Larkhall and an interpretation of incidents that in his view were caused due to the speed of Jnr Blues compared to the Jnr Rotaxes that race there,nothing to do with red mist and drivers removing brain cells,and racing with their kilts over their helmets. To all the Larkhall muppets THANK YOU for screwing things up in England and Wales