With all this talk of tkm opening up their chassis regs to allow cik chassis i have to ask myself why? ok i can see teh point of trying to get rotax drivers to bolt on a tkm engine but how many will do that? also chassis manufacturers need to make money so it will open it up that way, only problem is it will make the class cost more...the cik chassis will be faster and eventually everyone will have to use them to be competative.
why not close the class and make homologation harder....sounds wierd but bear with me! from 2011 onwards have 1 official chassis supplier for tkm, put it out to tender to see who comes up with the most affordable chassis, keeping the manufacturer british, wright, gillard, jkh, that way it keeps the cost down because its british, talko could produce a chassis themself if they wanted to, but only allow 1 chassis manufcaturer, have a set price that it is now, but that way because the manufacturer sells more they get more profit. allow current chassis to race, but eventually they will become uncompetative because of their age, so you will essentially have a 1 make class, just like formula renault or radicals. it will keep things cheep and very competative, use a softer tyre which will increase speed, have 3 different weight/ restrictor sizes so its even for all and have stamped tyres so your only allowed 1 set per meeting, market it at the kids/ adults as the class where talent talks and not the cheque book and it should be soon seen as the class to win if you want to prove yourself...
...just my 2 pence worth..maybe talking complete rubbish but its an idea!