You obviously have an inside line to AIXRO's plans. However I can recall a discussion on another forum about a 160cc aixro wankel. The prevaling opinion amongst the respondents, and it is not an unreasonable conclusion, was that producing a smaller version of the XR50 would only be slightly less costly so the 160cc motor would be unlikely to be commercially very competively priced. There is no doubt that the wankel is a very elegant solution for a karting power plant, but I can't see it taking off unless it is priced only 20-30% above a Max ir in a similar price range to a swissauto. Any other hunches as to when the XR30? will be introduced?
As regards the future, I suspect it will be dominated by Rotax once again.As an another respondent correctly stated they are the Microsoft of karting. Perhaps not the ultimate product but very well promoted and supported. Rotax stated a number of years ago ( in a letter to South African karters when it looked as if the whole karting world was moving to 4 -strokes) that they were proud of their 4-stroke engineering capabilities and would introduce this technology at an appropriate time ie presumably when environmental legislation tightened up. They also have inhouse access to direct injection 2-stroke technology, but obviously feel 4-strokes are the better option.