I believe that you have given up karting so you now have the luxury of being able to sit down and give your opinions without having to actually deal with the situation the rotax clubman now finds himself facing.
In your scenario, they caught the cheats and were able to prove they were cheating, so they dont have to allow the drugs, they just have to ban the cheats and make such an example of them that no one wants to risk getting caught, so no one else cheats until someone spends a lot of money to find a new drug which they cant detect and so it all starts again. I think its called human nature and the threat of the big stick if your caught.
My point is that at the moment we dont appear to be able to catch the people who are very cleverly altering the clutch without using the S1 datalogger system. At club level its not practical to expect clubs and club competitiors to spend that money but we still want them to enjoy their racing and have a chance of competing against the cheats.
By following the guidelines issued by JAG the average clubman has a chance against the cheats. You cannot be excluded for finishing a race with grease inside your clutch, Its not illegal, you are not cheating.
All that is happening is that the cheats are having their advantage taken away.