very interesting response from grahame, hopefully this will put to bed some peoples fears, including my own. i will hopefully be testing a blue retrictor on my kart this weekend at 144kg, then no restrictor at 152kg to see if theres any difference, then hopefully i may have conned my way into borrowing a cik chassis for a day later this year, so hopefully i will see whats what then. interestin that i rang up jkh earlier today and asked them about the storm kart, they said they will be producing a tkm and cik kart next year, but the new storm kart has been tested and is very quick in cik form, but may well be the best of the cik chassis in tkm form as it takes a few of its design points from the tkm....they may be jus trying to sell me a chassis, but that wasnt the impression i got....anyway only time will tell!!