I've recently switched from a DD to a Clutched TKM Extreme. I'm having some issues getting the carb set up correctly with the clutch.
It runs fine when its first started up, but by the end of the warm up lap it doesn't want to tick over, and it's the same coming into the pits at the end of the race. I have to keep about 50% throttle on to keep the engine running.
I started off with it set at 2 1/8 on the bottom and 1/8 on the top (the same as DD).
I've now leaned out the BE which has helped, but its still not great. I'm now at about 1 1/2 on the bottom and 1/4 on the top. I'm a bit reluctant to go any leaner on the bottom, as this seems quite lean already.
I've tried two different engines and two different carbs, and its the same with both. Randomly it did run great for a couple of runs one afternoon, then come the next meeting it was rubbish again, with the same engine and carb (I tried cleaning the carb but that didn't help).
Any thoughts from other clutched TKM drivers? Is it generally difficult to get the carb set right when running the clutch?