..license that is issued by the MSA.
We as a club only issue a membership card.
The MSA take over from the start to the end.
There is only ONE steward, the others are clerks, marshalls and observers.
The final say is with the steward on the day and if you wany to take it further, get your cheque book out and be prepared to travel and take a day off work.
I don't want to particularly lose anyone, especially a cadet as they normally don't get included in the equation but end up getting the rough end of the pineapple up the **** when there's a dispute.
I like everyone to go away happy and I think everyone knows they can come and chat to me anytime but I won't stop anyone who decides to leg it.
Sunday was great and I haven't had such fun since I had mumps!
As Dave says, it can't be perfect UNLESS you throw thousands of pounds at it and we can't afford that unless we only give out small 1st 2nd & 3rd plastic trophies.
Your call.
Turn up next month and come and have a moan at me in person, I'll even put a new battery in me Poppet.