One of the funniest threads I`ve seen for a while on here, in fact a couple of comments have had me in stitches.......
As for Rye having it`s own rules, EVERY club Avago says, they are called SR`s and, from my knowledge of MBKC, every time you enter a race, you will receive a copy of these SR`s which vary from club to club.....actually try reading them sometime!!!
As for the comment along the lines of, "I don`t care if the club or the MSA gives out the punishment".......that just about sums it up really....
Observers, Marshalls etc will point things out to the MSA steward, and clubs even have their own club stewards to sit in on disciplinary meetings and offer their imput, but any punishment is meted out by the MSA.........not the club.
A club would be perfectly within it`s rights to ban a member for, lets say, foul and abusive behaviour, fisticuffs in parc ferme, etc, etc, but driving standards and disciplinary are down to the MSA steward.
I still firmly believe that if more people had a go at being a Marshall, DSO, or whatever, they would soon see how everything simply CANNOT be spotted, particuarly first corner incidents where there are something like 20 karts trying to get round as one