John you say 'you will be allowed to use GPS in Rotax for 2010' I think you will find you can use it now, I have been using gps logging for 2 seasons now withou problems or scruit complaints, and yes the scruits who have inspected my kart do know it is on and active. The use of cameras however is covered by the MSA regs as all camera equipment must be fitted and inspected by the event scruits plus you are required to inform the land/circuit owners and gain permission to record footage. In law the intelectual rights to any footage belong to the land owner and not the camera owner. If anyone ever intends to publish any footage again the permission of the land owner must be gained or you may well get a bill which you are legaly bound to pay! Not many kart circuit owners afe fully aware of this but just go to a car meeting and try to get permission to use a camera on a car without the correct documentation.