"You say everybody is moaning about the kerbs at Rye, BUT, where are they posting on here and saying THAT!"
I have posted on here moaning about the Rye kerbs! I love Rye - it's a great circuit and one of my favourite ... but the kerbs, specifically at pylon are ridiculous and spoil the circuit!
I have asked before (and was ignored) - if the kerb at pylon is part of the race track and ok to use why don't Rye tarmac the kerbed area and just make it a more open corner? Problem solved? If Rye want to keep the corner tighter then simply a less wide but more staggered kerb that would unsettle the kart too much for it to be an advantage to use? Then everyone is happy?
The pylon extension really interupted the flow of the circuit compared to the old layout. Thats not due to the corner itself, just the undignified way you need to clatter over the kerbs to gain a good laptime.
Incidentally the chassis I use doesn't suffer from the grounding out issue that others are complaining about - I'm coming at this purely from a driving enjoyment (and fairness)perspective!