Chain lube... try Silkolene from the bike shop and lube every run. As posted previously fit the 160 and put a new plug in. Just a thought has the kart been parked/stored upright on its back bumper? if it has then the fuel will drain through the motor flooding the crankcase and also the exhaust and wadding so beware of that one. If this has happend you will need to remove and drain the exhaust and replace the exhaust wadding. Then remove the motor turn it on its back (exhaust port down) and turn the crank over a few times by hand to ensure the motor is clear of excess fuel, refit with new plug and you should find all is well. Staring proceedure when cold. 1. prime the carb by blowing into the tank ventt until fuel flows into the carb (it should not fall back to the pump) if it does the pump needs a service kit. 2. If cold day lift choke lever to the upright position 3. switch on ignition 4. press starter button and hold for around 5 secs at a time until motor fires using no more than 1/2 throttle normally just a small amount is best. as soon as the motor is running lower the choke lever. Once the motor has been started and run through the choke will normally not used again for the rest of the day. Somthing that may surprise you with regard to the main jet. when starting and at idle/low revs the main jet is doing nothing and indeed could even be missing so this will normally not effect the ability for the motor to fire at least.