"because Tabors a joke with the restrictors in juniors"
Can I point out that Tabor has nothing to do with the restrictors? The NKRA controls the class and any involvement of Ron Shone in testing restrictors is as a member of the NKRA.
Secondly, the decision on the restrictors was a directive from the MSA, without any consultation with the NKRA at all.
The MSA was influenced by incidents involving junior blue karts at Larkhall and an 'investigation' carried out by people known to the MSA. One has to speculate on their findings since they were not made public, not referred to the NKRA and possibly backed up by threats of 'litigation if an accident occurred'.
In Blue at the time the restrictors were a natural progression based on weight, with the the top junior restrictors being for the same size and weight as the bottom senior restrictors. In other words the junior Blue kart was exactly the same speed as the senior Blue kart, and the MSA may have felt that there should be a difference. The required changes to the restrictors slowed the juniors by about half a second.
Unfortunately it turns out that just moving the weights down seems to have affected competitiveness, possibly giving some combinations of weight and restrictor an advantage. Yet this advantage seems to affect different drivers and different weights at different tracks, with a variety of weights all claiming that the others have the advantage.
The NKRA say that they are looking at the problem, but until they get some sort of consistency in the complaints, it is difficult to be sure exactly what the problem is.