and me driving like a complete pr4t....seriosuly not a happy bunny after yesterday...jus dont know whats wrong.....drivin was all over the place, engine/carb wasnt pulin any revs, jus didnt feel comfortable at all....bloody dummies comin out of the pram everywhere last nite.... least i know it wasnt a carb/restrictor problem...teh drive sprocket had completely sheered in the last session so i think the sprocket was out of alignment all day which would account for some time, first time out on the kart n completely differnt brakes would account for some,...engines are due mains and seals about 2 hours ago could be a bit of that too but bein rusty and driving like a pr4t would account for most of it to be honest (sorry to anyone else out on track with me yesterday...never driven so bad in my life....should be confined to parc ferme after that one)...ughhhh yeh so need to get my head n ar$e into gear for next out again in 2 weeks (a warning to any other driver thinkin of going LOL)....
..anyhoo off for a bear in the garage.try n clear my head cos getin well pi$$ed off with this kartin lark after yesterday LOL!!....
.....never mind....gotta have the ups with the downs i suppose...and man this is a hell of a down after endin the year so well....reality check time me thinks!!!