I'm still new to this aswell, well driving anyway, and i find it some what funny when going round, because i usually get caught as were still sorting carb, sprocket chassis settings etc... but when they catch me they can never pass me. As i remember there was a train of about 4 or 5 of them behind and i was driving my normal line (there was no dodgy business, blocking etc..) and it took them about 5 laps to pass. Have to say that was a real confidence boost, that's when i thought maybe i wasn't so bad lol
But when it comes to the moving over part, Point where you want them to go, as you come onto the straight, and then move over, so they get the most time to pass. As i found out once i moved over and pointed then found a kart very neatly hoping about on the grass on the side i'd just moved over to. The main thing to remember is, if they can catch you, they SHOULD be able to pass you =D