Ian, isn`t actually real.....
15000+ posts would make it seem all truly authentic, BUT.......it is actually a very clever ploy by the site administrators, Dick and Martin to keep the site `ticking over` during quiet periods.
You MUST have seen the `giveaway` patterns here, someone will ask a perfectly innocent question and. if it gets no replies within a day or so, Itpro (aka Dick and Martin) concoct a reply, normally quite extreme to, shall we say, `stimulate` the thread.
It`s all very, very, clever, and whilst I`m sure that Dick and Martin will be absolutely FURIOUS with me for divulging this information.....
In fact Alan Reynolds and Dave Harridge, will confirm this........believe it or not, they were the founder members, back in the late 1960`s of an all too brief pop band by the name of the "Bonzodogdoodahband", who had a hit called `Urban Spaceman`, which included the lyric, and I quote....
"Ian`s the Urban Spaceman baby, here comes the twist........he don`t exist@
Ok Matron.......you found me in the office again