You 'simply fail to understand' (as you put it) because you don't want to THINK about it!
Try using parallel concepts as illustration:-
1) Why do people PAY FOR and fit 'spoilers' to their helmet ? 2) Why do they pay as much as �750 for a PAINT job to the helmet? 3) Why do people want to use (for example) OTK axles when they can buy as good an axle for HALF the price?
Even if you don't accept the latter point, you can't FAIL to accept the former two. They do not improve the lap times by ONE BILLIONTH of a SECOND..... and yet... they STILL pay for them!
So... as you can see... 'fashion' DOES affect the purchases and thus a 'fashionable' item WILL make a profit for the manufacturer, because nthe more gullible will BUY them! Currently, seat stays are VERY fashionable! That does NOT p*r*o*v*e that they work nor does it DISPROVE it! The 'emperor' PAID for the 'emeror's new clothes'..... even though there WEREN'T any!
If I could see HOW they (seat stays) are supposed to work, I'd have more belief in them. However, most people's 'reasons' for fitting them are FARCICAL.... Seat stay are attached to THE most floppy part of the seat.... the UPPER SEAT area! How, in GOD'S NAME; does that peice of JELLY manage to stiffen ANYTHING!
We keep being told that two or three work better than one...... errrr..... HOW exactly? Is it that the first one is, somehow, BENDING in a way that TWO or THREE WON'T? I seeeeeee..... the steel bar IS bending but the floppy seat ISN'T.....???? Yeah.... likely!
Secondly, if 3 really IS better than 2.... why not fit TWENTY SEVEN and go even BETTER?
There are STILL MILLIONS of people out there who will tell you that the MANNER in which they slaughter their chickens really DOES make a difference to their harvest! We karters don't seem to be all that far off such ideas....