You don't say how you are measuring this. Yes, I have read what you said but you say nothing about what FLOOR you are using. How do you know that IT is not 1mm out....?
You can check the king pins are 'staright. Remove them and compare, if they are bent., you'll see it.
Now, back-to-back the stub axles removed from the kart. 1mm error should be visible. Take both stubs to a supplier and campare the questionable stub with a new one. Again, you shopuld be able to see the difference.
You say you use the rim rather than the tyre. Are you saying you removed ALL FOUR tyres when yoiu check the measiurements? A few too many pounds per square inch in one rear tyre will give you the effect you claim.
You want perfection? Take your chassis back to the manufacturer and get them to re-jig it. They'll tell you what's 'right' or not! That's one of the reason I never liked 'foreign' chassis: you can't get THEM re-jigged whereas a Britsh made chassis can be re-jigged easily (and cheaply!).