We ran a K9Cs for the past three years. Later engines came with an angled mount to help with the carb angle but it was never a great issue. Keeping the reed block, carb and airbox inline for unrestricted airflow is more important. A baseline set up as follows: -
Water Temp 50 to 55 Degc, tape the radiator up this time of year to achieve that.
No return, never needed to. 170 needle valve. check seal by gently blow into the fuel inlet with the carb upside down.
Float 9g double, make sure doesn't foul on the carb casing and is in good condition. 14-15mm height.
Idle, 45 tube, 60 jet.
Main jets 150 to 165. 16deg 1020mb would be a big jet.
Tube 266dp.
Needle K98 (Rich) K22/21 (Lean).
Drive the in lap at near racing speed and stop engine ASAP in the pits.
Andy and Sue Fairless are the best people to speak to if your still struggling.