No bleating required.
Use the rule book, that is what it is there for.
If the drivers in front of your son consistently drive with a wheel over the kerb, make a complaint. Get yourself some witnesses and make sure that the driver(s) is consistent in his use of the kerb (eg: always using the kerb at a particular corner).
If you have doubts, request politely that the CoC either observe in person or appoint an observer before registering a protest. If it fails, see the MSA steward.
Expect in the first case that the driver will be warned rather than disqualified and that the CoC /Steward will make an announcement that future kerbers could be disqualified.
Otherwise, all you are doing is condoning cheating by saying that if 'they' can get away with it, you will do it too.
And yes, it might mean that the Steward might declare an entire heat 'Void' if the top drivers were all found to be consistently running the kerbs.
Of course, if neither the CoC nor the Steward will take precautionary action, then you have a case that needs to go to the MSA. I think it would be difficult for the relevant committee (Kart Sporting?)to condone illegal driving in Super1, claiming as it does to be the acme of driving skill.
Otherwise, if you won't take the legitimate actions open to you, petitions to break the rules and deliberately drive on the kerbs are just bleating and deserve to be ignored.