12.5.4. Where a Driver consistently drives with a wheel off the track or leaves the track, this MAY be deemed driving in a manner incompatible with general safety and the Driver may be excluded from the race at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course.
12.5.8. Track regulations in Q.14, as appropriate, apply to kart racing.
Track Regulations 14.5. Drivers must use the track at all times. For the avoidance of doubt: (a) the white lines defining the track edges are considered to be part of the track but the kerbs are not, and; (b) a driver will be judged to have left the track if no part of the car (or Kart in this case) remains in contact with the track. (c) Should a car leave the track for any reason and without prejudice to (d) below, the driver may rejoin. However, this may only be done when it is safe to do so and without gaining any advantage. (d) Repetition of serious mistakes or the appearance of a lack of control over the car (such as leaving the track) will be reported to the Clerk of Course and may entail the imposition of penalties up to and including the exclusion of any driver concerned.