Let's start by pulling the connectors off the switch and shorting them with a piece of wire down the connectors to see if the engine turns over.
If it doesn't, the likely cause is the starter motor.
Is the starter connector actually connected?
If it is, ois there a cable tie around the starter body holding the wire to the body to stop it moving about?
If not, then it is likely to be the starter itself.
If you can borrow a voltmeter, switch it to 20volts DC and with the piece of wire still shorting the switch connectors, measure from the chassis to the starter connect socket on the loom.
You should get 12+ volts.
The best place to pick up a good earth is where the paint gets removed from the chassis by the engine mount.
If you get 12+ volts then it'll be the starter motor needing a rebuild.
If you get stuck on any of this, give me a ring anyway 07759361238 and I'll talk you through it.