Stripped the carb right down checked the float levels - all good. Used best part of half a can of carb cleaner spray on everything and put it back together. Then, stripped the fuel pump, new filter. Opened the airbox, washed the filer element and re-oiled it. New fuel pipe from pump to carb, new pulse pipe 11.25 inched long. Checked battery voltage 13.3v. Started her up. Sounds totally different - more crisp? Revs cleanly. BUT - still no effect when i adjust the idle screw or mixture screw. They are at half and 2 and 3/4 settings.. Starts very easily and smokes a tad less. Am still at a loss as to why the carb ajdustments dont do anything - could there be something else like a leak in the rubber on the engine side or how about duff fuel? I am stumped on this one - anything on the ignition side that could cause? Bad loom? Or something reallly ominous about to happen on the engine side? Or, did i make a mistake with the oil/fuel mix? I was very careful - 5 litre fuel and 100ml millers oil. Could the oil be duff?? or the fuel?? Anywhere else i can look for a solution? Duff plug?