Hi Jal or Dobie.
First, you have accidentally registered twice with the web site. I have written to the site owners who'll correct this for you. It's an easily made mistake done by many people.
I can't quite make sense of the question, you need to give us more details. There have been hundreds of different 100cc two stroke motors and some require differing ratios of fuel to oil mixes. Some engines prefer fully synthetic oil and others require fully organic. We, therefore, need to know more about your engine to be sure.
Tell us its make and model number. If you don't know these things, take some good pictures from a nukber opf directions and post them to a photo-store (flikr, yahoo, etc.) and then post the address of those pictures to this web site so we can see the motor/kart. Don't forget to tell us the password if one is needed.
Ideally, photograph the 'drive-key' and where it needs to go in the axle. They are mostly all the same but ..... . It's best not to 'knock it back' but to fit it carefully.
If you post your email address, I can send you a full set of instructions how to set the carb (which is UTTERLY CRITICAL in many 100cc 2 strokes) and I can explain how to bump-start it with NO pain and NO risks. It is truly easy but it IS a skill which you woulkd do well to learn..... You also need to know how and why and WHEN to 'choke it'. I'll include those instructions, too.
Welcome to karting...