Chris has sent me the photos to my email address.
The pictures show a 100cc TKM Rotary Valve engine of around the 1980s era. From the outside, it's hard to be precise but it could be one of 3/4 versions of the motor.
TKM FF99 TKM FF99TT (Third transfer port) TKM L90TT ("International" spec.)
They were great motors, in their day.... which was many years ago now.
I had a "factory selected" version of the FF99TT that was tuned and maintained by Simon Wright and it could happily stay with the very BEST National motors and was never out-powered up any straight. Shame the same can't be said about the driver.....
There's not a lot to be said.... maintain it properly.... get it serviced.... I assume pistons and liners are still available but I don't know for sure. Simon Wright may be a good place to start or talk to Tal-Ko themselves.
You can get more details about which version of the engine you are using by lifting the head and inspecting the barrel. The number of 'holes' in the liner around the 'mid-stroke' area will tell you. A TT motor has an additional port in the FRONT of the liner (three major 'oblong' 'holes' plus a siamesed twin rear, exhaust port). Quick engines often had two additioanl round holes between the 3 original ports. Simon also used to put 'ears' on the top of the exhaust ports, too.... but other may have done so, too. Oh.... the abuse those poor rings suffered in the 'cheese grater' liner....
The instructions on how to start, choke, 'set the carb' tyhat I sent you are, effectively, based on that exact engine as I spent many of my 100cc years on those motors.
A picture paints 1000 words.....