"Liam..... your jumps in logic are....... interesting!
Two articles from Wikipedia cover this discussion. I have claimed that �rocking� between locked and unlocked WORKS as a way of improving braking. The fact that modern ABS need NOT involve �locking� (and that�s not at ALL clear from your posting) does NOT deny that it still WORKS when you lock �instantaneously�"
Ian, you need to get a look at the graphs. I'll see if I can scan them or something. You need to be working around 15-25% slip for a road car tyre, but I suspect it's less for a sticky slick. Lock-up isn't undesireable just for the lack of friction, but if you do lock up, you have to be off the brakes for longer for the wheels to get back up into the "stable" slip regime. If you go back on the brakes bfore that the wheels will lock up again too fast.
I don't know what indicators decent kart drivers use to work out how close to lock-up they are. I've been working mainly with my ears (engine note, tyre chirp) but it hasn't been completely successful. If anyone's thought about how they are doing it I'd love to hear about it.