They clearly do not check what they are about to broadcast, and if they sent me anything on tape or file it would not relate to anything they might broadcast, as it's the bandwidth that is affecting the final output.
All I can say is that I will be having a frank discussion with them tomorrow, as it is just not acceptable. They have the programme supplied to them free of charge to air.... maybe that's the problem, they have no investment in how it ultimately looks.
The adverts and programmes (not just mine) look a world apart quality wise. That is to do with something called "statistical multiplexing", where they increase their bandwidth for the ads and then reduce it back for the programme, so that advertisers (which is how they get paid) are happy with the quality of their ad. I as a programme maker am clearly not happy with that but can't expand too much on that at the moment, apart from to say I am constantly looking at ways to improve the output in the short and longer term.