I am staggered! How you can take what I said as a personal statement from which to be offence???!
I am sorry if you took it that way. I can GUARANTEE you that the first posting was NOT meant to insult ANYBODY and neither were any of my other ones to you. If you feel you have been insulted, I apologise, sincerely. This is NOT a 'Tony Blair' 'Non-apology': I GENUINIELY cannot see how I have insulted you but if YOU can, I am genuinely sorry!
However, if disgreeing with someone is insulting them, then why should **I** not feel insulted that you disagreed with my original posting??????
It's a bl**dy MINE FIELD round here lately! So many hair-trigger egos!
Oh..... and only **I** will decide when MY part of a conversation has arrived at the 'last word': not you nor anyone else!