Keep up, John..... I've only been a Councillor for the past 15 years...... and have been declaring so on THIS web site since I first joined!
Funny that you want to make this your last post..... now that we are getting to the REASON why you seize YOUR engines on over-run but I DON'T!
Look closely at your question.... why would I NEED to worry about how choking-actions would promote an 'over-run' seize when I set MY engines up in a way that WON'T lead to an over-run seize....???
Yes.... if you set up your engine BADLY, there are MANY ways that you could help avoid a seize by choking at the WRONG moment...... but NONE as effective as setting your carb C*O*R*R*E*C*T*L*Y in the FIRST place!
When you start running into racers of Roger Goff's (Roy Mailer, Martin Hines, Mickey Allen, Paul Burgess, Chris Dagless, Jackie Brown etc.....) caliber, you'll SEE why it is a mistake to give them ANY chance of capitalising on sending them ANY signals which help them KNOW when to 'go for you'!
However, if it makes you feel better, I'll state it:-
if you set your carbs WRONGLY then your method of choking WILL protect your engine from seize B*E*T*T*E*R than 'my' method..... but it WON'T make you quicker!
It's a damned good job that **I** don't take offence as quickly (or as spuriously!) as YOU do or else I, too, would be flouncing off in a mincing huff...... like YOU threatened to do!