Richy... they've taken a bad situation and made it worse. This isn't something that's happened suddenly, the shambles has been progressively deteriorating.
Classes have been discussed ad infinitum on this forum and the common viewpoint appears to be that we need less and not more. Nowhere is this more apparent that in the junior formulae.
Tell me how many junior classes we have in this country and explain to me why it is now necessary to introduce more of them ?
I'm sorry but I just don't buy your argument that if a new class doesn't get enough take up then it will just fail. What about the costs incurred by those encouraged to take up the class including the loss in value of obsolete equipment. Its the MSA's responsibility to make classes successful and the way to do that is by ensuring there isn't a proliferation of them.
Come on now, posting a message on a web site is not consultation. Have the MSA gone to meetings and interviewed drivers and parents ? Have they organized a vote on the proposal by sending letters to their young licence holders inviting their comments ?
Junior karting in this country needs to be consolidated and simplified. It needs to be made easier to compete and more cost effective for those involved or considering involvement. The MSA's latest announcement does quite the reverse.