Hi guys,we have been trying very hard for 2 months to get John.As most of you will know,he is virtually impossible to get hold of.In that time he has spoken to us once on the phone and we have had a couple of emails but nothing for a while now.We have been finding out more about this from a couple of people who know more about our situation than we do,so he is obviously receiving and reading our communication but but didnt even give us the courtesy of contacting us first - we have only found out that our kart is in Italy from a third party and read it on a posting to us on here!!! We have been JKH customers since we started karting many years ago.He has always been kind of hard to get hold of but the situation just now is ridiculous.When agents,dealers and suppliers cant get a hold of him it must be bad. If you do get him he does promise that he will not ignore your phone number when it shows up and promises to respond to emails but this rarely ever happens. Phil...we have been in touch re our cracked Storm and by every means of communication possible with little success.He must be getting our emails etc and simply ignores them as he has discussed the contents with other people.Maybe it is about time he started to at least respond or acknowledge his customers.We are now having to deal with his "agent" but at the moment it has all gone a bit quiet on that front as well. Cheers