I have to say a very good read, you have got all the true points of karting and how parents really are, its a shame it happens but it does, not only in cadets but in ALL classes, will it ever stop....NO! After my last meeting at Rissington we just refer to kart racing as banger racing,I am going to buy shares in the company that makes bumper bolts because I've been supporting them all year, and before people say "you should go faster" thats no answer to deliberate ramming. Despite threats of points on licences to ramming nothing happens. Yes I've been to the clerk but the usual "There all doing it" is the normal answer I receive. We have just got used to the fact it does and will always continue to happen. I would like to say people do it deliberatly to gain spaces so it's a way of moving through the pack, part of their race strategy, but I can't prove it so I won't say it!!