Thanks ITPRO - In response to your further questions.
1. Experience - Harry has won Anglia Indoor championship for past 2 years running both as Cadet and Junior. Also currently lying 2nd in Ellough summer Series Junior Championship (24 Drivers) with 1 win and 2 3rd places out of 6 races.
2. Gearing on Saturday was 13 front and 85 and then down to an 83 rear. Fastest lap time was 47 with rest being 48 secs in dry on slicks with 12.5 PSI all round. In Wet, Time was 55 per lap with 16 PSI all round
3. Carb setup is all new to me and still a bit of a mystery. Not sure what jet he is running (told you its all new to me and same goes for any other setups. Appreciate this will come with time and learning, hence why I don't understand the reason for the revs not reaching 12k.
4. Have told him initially to spend time in the kart getting used to it (only 2nd time in it) and that setup etc will come , but I still need to start learning and understanding.
Any advice you have is more than welcome.
Thanks Ian