"At club level they really have only two choices, in most cases, Rotax or TKM"
Many clubs offer Formula Blue, a class that has its own National Championship under the NKRA. In some areas, Scotland for instance, Formula Blue is often the largest class.
Indeed, FB is offered at 3 Sisters, Hooton Park, Glan y Gors in the Midland area.
So that's three non-gearbox classes and about three gearbox classes available to Seniors on a regular basis.
At the top end of competition Formula Blue is not that expensive. Indeed a National Champion a couple of years ago published the budget with which he won at about �4000.
As always, the budget is dependent on how many events one does and whether one buys tyres new for each event. (Almost mandatory for Rotax, not so for FB).
"the clubs and the MSA got together and tried a lot harder to keep the adults happy"
The trouble is that what keeps adults happy varies from club to club, even year to year.
Big grids lead to bigger accidents, often on the first lap.
Timed Qualifying, an answer to big grid accidents, leads to processional racing and drivers who don't get much experience of overtaking.
Some drivers regard the use of kerbs as a sign of good driving, others see it as illegal, outside the rules and deliberate kerbing as much 'cheating' as a non-compliant engine.
Classes like Rotax Masters exist in part because there is a subclass of young drivers who cause a lot of accidents because they are taught to win at any cost.
Some people regard the 'no contact' rule as optional and shunt other drivers out of the way. Others regard no contact as a sign of skilful driving and will stay behind a slower driver if they cannot overtake cleanly. Both will claim it makes for 'good' racing.
The rules as set by the MSA or approved for clubs and championships are, by and large, sensible but some people retain expensive lawyers to pick holes in them because their 'fun' has become serious. So in some cases it has become almost impossible to enforce some of the rules, which makes some people unhappy.
Yet those with the lawyers claim they aren't happy without them.
There are driver-oriented championships like Super1, there are club and budget oriented Championships like the NKRA and there's championships like the NKF. Clubs run their own championships.
And most clubs actually respond to their members, but then most clubs find that the majority of their members aren't active for the club unless someone pushes them....hard.
So, what is it that would make you happy?