Here is a fix. Look at the slot down the length of the hub. You will see that the slot is deeper on the outer part of the hub compared to the i/d. This is due to the slot being cut with a circular milling cutter thus leaving extra metal on the inside. This extra presents resistance to the clamping effect when the pinch bolt is tightened. The fix is simple. Use a padsaw hacksaw blade and cut down through this extra metal until it is level with the outside slot position. You should then dress up the slot with a flat thin file. This will allow the hub to clamp down easier and present extra hub to axle face contact. Another tip - take the pinch bolt out of the hub and using a hacksaw, cut a central screwdriver slot into the end about 1mm deep. Now if you overtighten the pinch bolt and shear off the head, you can unscrew the sheared thread back out through the entry using a screwdriver. If you round off the hex hole and cannot undo an overtightened pinch bolt, then same process but you will either have to first drill off the cap head or use a thin angle grinder disc to cut through the bolt in the slot.