(Just my opinion)
Cadet tyres are quite grippy for the chassis and most pick up Rotax rubber on their way round, adding to the grip.
The Cadet is low powered so you need to monopolise the power as much as possible.
The rear track on a Cadet is narrow, so will add to the grip and therefore absorb vital energy.
The tubing is not much different to a senior kart in that it's stiff and little Johnny doesn't tip the scales in the heavyweight class, so allowing that kart to twist and lift is good, as you've found out.
Plus corner entry speed is lower and so the forces that are going to lift up that back wheel are less.
Every little helps, as they say.
Keeping it all loose allows the chassis to work.
Assuming you have a Zip chassis,
Front, wide in the wet and narrow in the dry
Rear, wide in the dry and narrow in the wet.
Leave the rest loose.
Of course, the conditions dictate how far you go with this.
Raise the front on the king pin collars to increase the CoG in the wet.
Cadets can get incredible rear wheel lift in the wet.
I don't know of a specific book on Cadets and your right, it will be different in Max.