Got home a bit early from work so decided to remove the engine to check all the seals etc.
They looked fine but when I took off the reed block cover (the blue plastic secured with 4 allen bolts)the gasket between it and the crank case was the wrong way around! The crankcase has 2, what I assume are breather holes, one top, one bottom but the bottom one doesn't link up to a hole in the reed block cover, whereas the top does, the hole in the gasket was at the bottom, turned gasket around so holes lined up, put back together and now running fine, test at the track wil confirm for sure but ticking over great (it was revving high during tick-over then stalling before).
Have no idea what the holes do but it's obviously pretty important. Steep learning curve this but another prolem solved and banked in the memory.
Thanks for all your help guys.