Right matt. as i read your post it promted my memory that i had left my battery on charge so ive just been out and checked it for you. its been the same battery on the kart for over 2yrs (dartford supplied lucus model but same as varta)!! Charged by optimate 3 since 10am today and not having been charged since early december it has 2 green lights and 13.21 volts constant with a multimeter. As for the seat stays my memory tells me you have a tonykart evxx??. All seat stays are bent either end to allow the angle of them as such. if yours is bent in the middle then i would guess someone has done that for clearance reasons, maybe for the exhaust/spring?? Anyway they come in different lengths. You just need to decide which length you want and order that size. Spellfame for example list 4 sizes! Or someone with the same chassis could be kind enough to measure theirs and let you know. then you can deduce which one you need!