I am NOT an expert in helmets but.....
When I asked those who are experts, I was told that the differences between the 'standards' comes down to the testiong regime.
Karting helmets ared supposedly re-tested over time, repeatedly. Mototor Cycle helmets are tested and then the manufacturer is TRUSTED to stick to the same specification for the rest of the period of their 'life'.
You may not trust the karting powers-that-be, but I'd rather trust them than a manufacturer! Manufacters DEFINITELY have a financial gain to be made whereas the Karting 'bodies' only have a theoretical financial benefit in the minds of sceptics. That doesn't mean that the scpetics are wrong about 'colusion' though.....
It's obviously possible that I was lied-to by a 'helmet expert' because he wanted to sell more karyting helmets. I am NOT statong the above as a FACT: just what I was told! If I have been lied-to, I apologise!