I would really appreciate help from people on these forums. Last weekend from my property in Ipswich my Son's (Oliver Skingley) kart was stolen. The haul of the theives included a Tonykart EVRR (Chassis no BY43104) in full S1 trim so it had fitting for Go Pro camera, Unipro etc all in place, bolted to the Kart was a Force Motorsport Junior max engine (Serial number 8345787), the kart was fitted with virtually new OTK MXC's. In addition another force motorsport Junior max engine (# 8349140) and my toolbox containing all my tool's including sniper laser's, transponder (#3701013) and all of the tools I use to run Oliver's kart. I would really appreciate people circualting this information and looking out for the kart, if seen please contact the police or I can be contacted on 07802 454633. Without recovering the Kart we will find it virtually impossible to get Ollie back onto the grid.