First, you need to undestand what 'High Octane' means. It does NOT mean 'more powerful'.... what it means is more DIFFICULT to ignite with high compression!
Roughly ********* Engines with high compression are more powerful BUT they cause LOW octane fuel to ignite too early in the 'cycle'. You add Octane to REDUCE the chance of the fuel igniting too early..... so..... High Octane fuel DOES NOT produce more power, what it does is allow your engine to run a higher compression.
Adding High Octane fuel to an engine which runs well on LOW octane fuel (which karts DO!) is more likely to SLOW your engine than to increase its power, and thus heat!
I suspect you are suffering from the confusion about High Octane that 95% of the car-driving-public does as well. They KEEP confusing "High Octane" as meaning "High POWER"!.