Richard, It is obviously difficult to say exactly how long a cadet tyre will last. When people say 3-4 days, are they talking about intensive testing at a track where you may be doing 250-300 laps a day? Time, in itself, should not be an issue and S1 now only allow one set of slicks for two race meetings so they get used, stored for a month and then used again - apparently without problems. As your lad is in his first year, the biggest gains will come from his lines, breaking points etc and what you need is to get consistency rather than out and out lap times. You will find that a lot of dads send their cadet driver out on slicks when it is wet. Ideally you do this when the track is quiet but it really improves their kart control. When you give them wet tyres they feel as if they are on rails. Tracks do vary and some work better with used tyres than new ones. However, even this can change. there was a Stars (FKS) round in Genk a few years ago and only a few drivers used new tyres - they were going round well off the pace. The following year new tyres worked best - you always need to test. The one thing I would avaid with tyres is storing them in the cold - in the cooler months (September to June in UK?) we kept tyres indoors between meetings and had them in the caravan/motorhome overnight rather than in a cold van/awning.