Hi Richard, It could well be the case that the track you use works better with fresher rubber but there are many tracks where the reverse is true. If possible, when you go to a new track take a new(ish) and a used set of slicks and test them back-to-back (a spare set of rimes makes this easier) possibly even making the cange mid-session. It would also be worth trying to find a more experienced driver who is willing to do a practice day with you (even if you contribute to their costs). Send your lad out on the ild rubber and if he complains that they are `rubbish' then get the other driver to go out and do some laps in your kart. He may come in and agree that the tyres are no good but - if he has gone a lot quicker than your lad then point out that there is still speed for him to find and newer tyres may just be hiding his errors. Your son may be 100% correct with his feedback but I think most of us dads have experienced the `kart, tyres, engine is rubbish' feedback especially in the earlier days and the help of a more experienced driver can really help. Most of us have also found that advice from another driver is accpted far easier than comments from dad. If you ever find that he does not seem to be listening then try saying that driver number xyz said "you are breaking too early for that corner; taking it too wide etc etc" Sadly, this does seem to work. Enjoy your karting - great sport!