I have to agree, i too am a little fed up of the MSA and their disregard for keeping certain things constant.
An example was at this weekends TKM festival. the notice of a penalty was on the notice board. One particular driver was given a reprimand for dangerous driving or something along those lines. Anyway alongside the reason is a multiple choice box for type of punishment and the number of set points to be put on the licence. The choices were Fine, Place penalty, exclusion, and the points to be put on the licence for this offence was 3. Now bearing in mind the norm and expected penalty for this is a place penalty or exclusion, and that is normally welcolmed by the victim of the incident. HOWEVER, the driver in question was not subjected to either of those, and received a �50 fine! Now hang on, i hear alot of you say, that is still a punishment. True, seeing as they would still receive points on their licence and this would act as a deterrant. But for some reason, the three points was scratched out on the notice, with the words, "No points, �50 fine only"!!! So no points, no place penalty, no exclusion, just a bit of cash out of the pocket and it is like it never happened.
Take whatever meaning you like from it, however for me that is a good example of the MSA picking to rake some cash in, instead of justice. �50 is not a bad sum to pay to avoid a penalty or points is it! And how do think the victim feels with the damage done to his kart, or even just the places he lost? This sort of thing is not on, but has been going on for too long.