I've been doing the odd race here and there since 2006 with a brand new motor baught back in 06 - its done about 16 races and maybe 10 test days. My first race this year (last month at BPKC) i found it very sluggish, pick up out of slow corners wasnt great and i know i can do a lot with jetting (and maybe a new battery!) but just wanted to know what's worth looking at changing to bring it up to a higher spec. For example: 09 barrel, metel gears, new clutc etc. It would be good to get a resonably impartial view as to what these changes would make. i am also well aware my driving will make the biggest imrovement to lap times but wanted to hear peoples thoughts to 'upgrading' a bog standard 06 motor all the same... For reference in 177 i was 2seconds off the fastest time.