177 racer What John is getting at is that his software is all done on the computer, no need to make notes. You calibrate your weather station to the software and then you fine tune the settings on the software to your engine.
It takes time but well worth the results and it takes all parameters into account, so you will change jets, needle height, needle etc to give you the optimum setting.
Other systems which you dont calibrate to your kit will need to have the details recorded so that you can refer back and as you get use to it you will start to compensate by dropping a jet size etc because you have learnt that its better for those conditions.
PaulM Rotax might be right when he says that as you learn to interpret the results you dont need software, but most people dont have the time or the money to spend days pounding round a track to collect enough data to be able to make very accurate adjustments, they would prefer to let someone else like john do the hard bit and all they do is fine tune quite quickly.